What we do

Ella’s works with women who have survived trafficking and sexual exploitation.

The need is urgent and vast, and we do all we can to meet that need. 

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We are committed to providing the best care for as many survivors as we can.

Our support is intensive and tailored to the individual. Our team provides direct, regular support for around 70 women a year, with a further 60 children benefiting from our work.  

In an independently evaluation by Trauma Treatment International (TTI, 2024). They concluded that our work is ‘trauma transformative’, the highest rating on their trauma awareness spectrum and infrequently awarded.

We run six safe houses. This supported accommodation is crucial for survivors until they are ready and able to live independently.

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We provide regular support for women and families in neighbourhoods across London, and many more further afield when they need us.

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We speak out on issues affecting the women we work with. We care deeply about survivors of trafficking and exploitation, and want to see a world where these crimes are not tolerated.

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Meeting an urgent need

The support we provide is not just a ‘nice-to-have’ for women who have survived trafficking and exploitation. It is essential to their safety and freedom. Without it, many would fall back into danger.

For survivors, we plug huge gaps in the UK support system, providing accommodation, care and advice when they need it most. 

Unlocking Freedom

An uplifting short film about what we do at Ella's and why.


To ask for help from Ella’s for yourself or someone else, please contact us at referrals@ellas.org.uk

‘We are proud to work with Ella's towards our shared goals of supporting survivors and fighting modern slavery. We've been partnering with Ella's for over two years now, and their approach is both inspiring and highly effective. It's important to us that we work with the most exceptional organisations, and we are confident that Ella's is one such organisation.’ 

- Tom Stancliffe, The TRIBE Freedom Foundation