Strength and belief
Ayesha is a survivor of trafficking, domestic servitude and honour-based-violence. Today she describes herself as a strong woman, and is building belief in herself and others.
When she arrived at Ella’s, Ayesha hardly spoke, and kept her head bowed; her confidence and trust in other people was so low.
‘I was so scared when I came to Ella’s, I didn’t know what the people would be like or where I would be living next,’ says Ayesha. ‘But now, I feel like I don’t ever want to leave, it is so good!’
Stronger than ever
Ayesha’s biggest challenge is her mental health, which was left in pieces by what she has been through in the past. But she’s been working through this, rebuilding her confidence and belief in life, and says she now feels stronger than ever.
‘The support at Ella’s has changed me,’ says Ayesha. ‘Help accessing mental health support was the most important thing for me, as well as emotional support and help at appointments. They’ve offered training opportunities too.’
‘I had so many problems before, I can’t imagine what my life would be like if this place at Ella’s hadn’t been available. If I wasn’t here I’d have been on the street, and I know it’s the same for other women too. We really appreciate this place.’
Ayesha is still only in her 20s but has been through many difficult years. (Photo: Lloyds Foundation/Ella’s)
“I had so many problems before, I can’t imagine what my life would be like if this place at Ella’s hadn’t been available. If I wasn’t here I’d have been on the street, and I know it’s the same for other women too. We really appreciate this place.”
Never give up
'When you have come new to the UK and have suffered violence and these other things, you need space to live safely, share problems and work through things with people. Without this, I have no idea how we’d survive.’
‘Everything about the way they look after us here and care about us, it makes us feel safe. I say to Ella’s, ‘Don’t change, be as you are, you are perfect!’ They are like angels. They manage the houses so well and treat everyone as individuals, with a kind heart.’
‘Today, I describe myself as a strong woman. Since I came to Ella’s, I’ve become very strong. Before, I could not do anything, now I can do things on my own, I’m more independent. It feels very good. I’m hoping to get a good job and my own place, I would love to work with children.’
‘A few years ago, I had no hope. Now, I think I can do anything! To any woman who is still without hope, I would say ‘wait, and everything will be ok with time. Don’t give up, just keep trying’.
Ayesha is making brilliant progress as a result of our tailored, one to one support work and safe accommodation. But recovery from trauma takes time. Please donate today if you can, to fund our crucial, ongoing work with women like Ayesha. Thank you.