External evaluation finds Ella’s ‘trauma transformative’

Our service has been independently evaluated by Trauma Treatment International (TTI). They concluded that our work is ‘trauma transformative’, the highest rating on their trauma awareness spectrum and infrequently awarded.

Two women speaking with one another. One of them is visibly pregnant.

The people we work with have been through devastating experiences and are among the UK’s most vulnerable, so it’s vital that our approach is trauma-informed. (Photo: Tom Price/Ella’s)

Here is an excerpt from the report:

‘TTI finds that Ella’s is an emotionally caring organisation that not only feels physically and psychologically safe for service users, staff and the senior leadership team but also provides an authentic sense of ‘belonging’ and ‘family’. Given the nature of the organisation’s work, and the journeys that individuals have been on (including extremely traumatic interpersonal relationships) this is a remarkable achievement.’

‘There is strong evidence of transformation in the lives of the women supported by Ella’s as they move through the three stages of recovery to gaining independence and hope for different futures. Ella’s has clearly provided a reparative sense of family for many people.’

Thank you, TTI, for the encouragement, and the insights into how we can continue to do this even better. We are totally committed to treating the survivors we work with, with the utmost care and respect.


‘Free inside’ and starting afresh


Linda’s film