Impact Report 2021/2022
Three strategic goals, 47 survivors, 29 children, so many amazing stories and the list goes on… Our Impact Report for September 2021 to August 2022 is out now.
It’s been another full year at Ella’s. We hoped to develop further as an organisation and to reach more women, and we’re pleased to say we achieved both these goals. In total, 47 women and 29 children benefited from our work last year, an 18.5 per cent increase on the year before.
If you have supported Ella’s in any way over the last year, this is as much your Impact Report as ours. Thank you for all you do.
Please do read the report in full if you can. If not, here’s a quick summary…
Our year in numbers
Three highlights
To ensure even more of what we do is driven by the women we work with, we secured funding to establish a Survivor Advisory Panel to guide our work, as well as recruit a trustee with lived experience.
To support greater numbers of women despite an unexpected delay with our new safe house, we expanded our community outreach work. This enabled us to benefit more women, including some from other survivor organisations – a first for Ella’s.
We worked closely with survivors and others to lay the foundation for a social enterprise pilot. The women we work with can face multiple barriers to employment, and social enterprise is one of the routes we’re exploring to help remove those barriers.
Our year in stories
The Impact Report contains feature stories from Jeliah and May, who are pictured on the front cover. It’s also packed full with inspiring quotes from the women we work with. Just scroll through the report to read these in full, but here’s a gem from Shirene to finish:
“I am so happy to be starting a new chapter in my life. At Ella’s, I’ve been made to feel like I am special for the first time. And because of that, I have come to know that I am indeed special!”
Thank you for everything you do to help unlock freedom among women who have survived trafficking and exploitation. Here’s to doing even more together next year.
Impact Report cover image: Tom Price/Ella's